Zacharias Harrington

USC - Starting Striker #15 - 22 years old

Zacharias Harrington

Zacharias' Backstory

tw // abuse and family death

Zach was an only child raised in a very wealthy, privileged household. He went to the best private schools growing up and a lot of people though of him as a stuck up, rich asshole. His parents were very emotionally abusive and he spent his entire childhood walking on egg shells and hating himself. He started playing Exy at the age of 12 as a distraction and quickly fell in love with it. He didn't have a lot of friends because most people only got close to him for his money and connections.

When he as 17, his father got drunk and attacked him. He had found out Zach was bisexual after going through his text messages and Zacharias killed him in self-defense. He fled from his house, stealing a huge amount of cash from his parents and ended up in California where he met a group of people who soon became his new family. Their names are Daniel, Evie, and Miriam. He was recruited to USC after Daniel saw him play, and he is determined to stay there on a sports scholarship for as long as possible because it is the only guaranteed home he has.


absolutely loves thunderstorms and always goes outside and splashes in puddled like a little kid every time it rains

he's super enthusiastic and nice to new people but if he doesn't like you he is an asshole

he favorite band is rainbow kitten surprise

terrified of driving so he doesn't have his license

he hates the taste of coffee

He loves going on drives with his friends

he's a political science major and he's thinking about going to law school but he is scared of people finding out what he did to his father, so he is hesitant